Isle of Eden – Sugar Potion: Sugar Potion is a limited edition scent that was part of a promotional give away from Isle of Eden. So this is where I have to come out of the closet and admit that even though I am no longer active on the IOE forum, I am still a lurker to get the skinny on the little giveaways that they sometimes have because free stuff is…well…free!
How funny are these little deli containers? Am I reaching for cream cheese or am I reaching for bath cream? I kid, of course.. today I reached for Sugar Potion bath cream. Sugar Potion has the potential to be a great scent but alas it must settle on being a really good scent. This smells like caramelized sugar with a little hint of maple candy. To me, Isle of Eden missed out on this smelling just like the hardened, caramelized sugar that sits atop a ramekin of crème brule. My goodness, that would have been so awesome but instead, the brown sugar note was carried a little too far and made the bath cream smelling a little more maple-y and smoky than it needed to be.
Sugar Potion is the best name for this however because it smells like sugar that was left on the bunson burner for too long.
The moment I smelled Sugar Potion, I knew that I wanted to pair it up with my Pineapple Upside Down Cake scrub from Get Whipped and Mango Sorbetto body cream by Coconut. Can I just interject here with a complete and heartfelt rave for Pineapple Upside Down Cake by Get Whipped? I am so picky about pineapple scents; I like them to be sweet and creamy yet retain the distinct note of pineapple. I have had quite a few misses so when I smelled Pineapple Upside Down Cake, I threw my arms up in the air in a moment of exaltation and wept silent tears of joy. Right, I didn’t do anything like that but I was happy to find the perfect pineapple blend. It’s called pineapple upside down cake and that is just what it is; it is a fabulous fall season fruity blend.
Mango Sorbetto body cream tied it all together and left me smelling like a tropical cake. This is a terrific and true Mango Sorbetto [Tutti Dolce-Bath and Body Works] dupe and thank goodness for it because I was so bummed when Bath and Body works pulled the scent from their lineup.
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